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Jyothi Basapathi R

Graduate Trainee


Research Topic

My main focus here is to identify the functional genes that are directly or indirectly related to M. xanthus predation.



MSc in Molecular Life Sciences (2018-2020)

University of Bern, Bern

B.E Biotechnology (2014-2018)

Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore

Research Experience

Master Thesis (Feb 2019 - July 2020)

PI: Dr. Philipp Olias

Universität Bern

Project : Establishment of an in vitro reporter system to elucidate host - parasite interactions of Cryptosporidium parvum

Bachelor Thesis (Jan - May 2018)

PI: Dr.Varsha Singh/IISc

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Project : Lipid Mobilization in Caenorhabditis elegans gut under abiotic stress

 Summer Intern (June - Aug 2017)

PI: Dr. Poonam Salotra,

NIP, Delhi

Project : Application of nucleic acid based amplification techniques in diagnosis of Leishmaniasis


Hi! I’m a B.E - Biotechie born and raised in Bangalore. Apart from being fascinated by microbes, space research excites me. This combined interest led me to pursue my PhD in Astrobiology. 

Astrobiology set foot into my life in 2015 when I got an opportunity to travel with an amateur astronomer Amar Sharma to a forest in order to study the night sky. It being a multi-disciplinary field unites researchers from different backgrounds to solve the mystery of life within or outside our planet. Recently, I was awarded a studentship (QUADRAT DTP) from UK to pursue PhD in Astrobiology at University of Aberdeen, Scotland that is commencing from October 2021. The prospective project focuses on studying the role of microbial networks on carbon cycling under controlled temperature and pressure conditions using the Space-Q environmental chamber.

Besides science, adventures and associated sports excite me. Dance, music and hiking have always been my go-to mood. Being a foodie I love to travel, explore various cuisines and experience diverse cultures. I’m always up to conversations and open to questions so feel free to contact!

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